I'm Emily. I'm an Enneagram 2, Virgo, who will CHEER FOR YOU loudly and encourage you daily. I am a photo taking and photo printing enthusiast, and absolutely love getting you excited for documenting your family. My favorite things include a beautiful day, my always-up-for-adventure family, warm coffee, and pee-your-pants level laughter. I love fiercely and do things big or not at all. I enjoy interior design and love a beautiful gallery wall. I bring my camera EVERYWHERE. I love finding beauty in the daily grind. The little things are my favorite things, and I would love to help you remember all of your family's little things. 

I specialize in chill lifestyle sessions, telling the stories of your family in this chapter in your life. Mostly the moments in between the posed smiles. I like to tell the story of your family and all of your favorite things. My favorite sessions include spending the day at your house, documenting your Sunday morning pancake breakfast, or joining on a local adventure, documenting your family doing all of their favorite things.

I remember a wonderful friend telling me shortly after having my daughter that the days are long but the years are short. The days are long. But, man, those years fly by. At the end of that quick year with long days, there are so many moments that you could easily forget. So many stories that can be told through photographs.

Let me help you tell your stories. 

follow me on instagram
